my challenges

Monday, September 2, 2013

Confessions of a Male Nurse

Confessions of a Male Nurse, by Michael Alexander.

This book chronicles the experiences of a male nurse in the first few years of his career.  It certainly was an eye opener.  It is quite shocking the complete indifference to the health and safety that top officials can display toward those they have taken an oath to care for.  Likewise, it is shocking the lack of interest some so-called caregivers can display.

My favorite part of the book was the section dealing with Alexander's experiences working with mental health patients.  Wow, is that a different world, and something I certainly do not think I could ever be equipped to properly handle.  His ability to think on his feet, instinctively find the right response most of the time, and keep things in perspective was impressive.

I enjoyed this book, although I would have liked it much more if the author had told us what happened ultimately to the patients he discussed caring for.  Often the reader was left with no idea of what happened after they left Alexander's care.  This is really my only complaint, however.  4.0 out of 5.0.

I received a digital review copy of this book.  This did not affect this review. 

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